Examples of initiatives that will take your Finance Function from good to stellar

To provide you with powerful tools to help you plan for success and growth, including easy scenario planning tools to take the guesswork out of financial decisions.

Create a bespoke set of financial planning tools
Clean up messy books

To get your financials in tip-top shape and ensure you can rely on the data - plus make your tax preparer happy and not putting in extra work to clarify murky data.

Evaluate and Revamp your Chart of Accounts (COA)

To design and organize data capture and reporting to accurately reflect the current and projected state of your financial picture – in the most useful and easy-to-use format.

Create a process to streamline transaction posting

To provide a clear and accurate picture of exactly how much you are spending on what, which often results in eliminating unnecessary spending. It’s like Mari Condo-ing your books – get everything of the same type all together so you have a clear picture of it and get rid of what you don’t need!

Evaluate and document current processes and procedures

To ensure your processes and procedures satisfy all compliance requirements and are done in the most efficient way, by the most effective staff, using tools that help - never hinder - the process.

Other Initiatives
  • Evaluating and implementing accounting and ERP systems which will be scalable through each stage of the company’s evolution

  • Developing a process for accurate recognition of revenue

  • Setting up or evaluating employee bonus and benefit programs, time and expense tracking processes

  • Ensuring compliance with all federal, state, and local reporting requirements

  • Setting up and managing outside relationships with tax preparation and audit firms, banks, insurance brokers, benefit administrators

Learn more about these initiatives below:

Profit & Loss (P&L) Budget: Most clients find this intimidating as they don’t know what the future holds. But nobody does...AND you know more than you think. Writing down your desired revenue and planning the staffing that will produce a great margin gets you most of the way to an explicit plan which can help manifest your financial goals. Includes scenario planning capability to inform business decisions and their impact on your financial results.

Cash Forecast: You need to make sure you have enough capital to cover your costs and weather the inevitable down-turns while leveraging your funds in times of surplus. Everyone’s comfort-level is different when it comes to how much cash to keep on-hand – and there is no right answer. But seeing it laid out in a monthly view can provide the reassurance you need to feel prepared.

Rolling P&L Forecast: As the year unfolds and actual results data starts landing, we analyze it together and adjust the forecasted numbers to reflect reality and project out an adjusted vision for the year - and beyond.

Create a bespoke set of financial planning tools - specifically the following:

Every account on your Balance Sheet should be reconciled regularly – not just cash. If you have accounts with unreconciled balances, you cannot rely on your financial reports! The debit and credit system is brilliant – it provides a trail to untangle any messes that might have been created.

Clean up messy books - because who wants messy books??
Evaluate and Revamp your COA - the building blocks of all your financial reporting

There is a fine line between having too many accounts and not enough…optimally you want enough detail to clearly reflect your operations but not so much that categorizing transactions is a time-consuming chore or bogs down reports with irrelevant information.

Create a process to streamline transaction posting - zero wasted time...

All expenses should be assigned to the proper account, tagged to a vendor, and have documentation attached and readily available for review. It only takes a few minutes when done at entry time, and has the potential to avoid hours of research and calculations later.

Evaluate and document current processes and procedures - ensuring efficiency

Are you using the best systems for tracking Finance, HR and Operations workflows? Does their cost justify their use? Are there more efficient ways to structure procedures? Looking at your current workflows in preparation for documenting them often uncovers ineffective and/or wasteful steps.